Something to ponder

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want

to be. - David Viscott

Thursday, January 13, 2011

You are in Charge

When you work out are you putting your EVERYTHING into it?  Last night at Zumba my instructor said, "You are in charge of your workout!"  She is so correct.  As she moved around the class dancing along side us I realized I needed to push it harder and shake it more! Seeing how hard she was working made me want to do better.  No matter what the exercise is we are not fully benefiting unless we are putting our all into it.  Whether you are walking on the treadmill, running outside, lifting weights, or doing an exercise DVD think about what you are doing.  Ask yourself, "Could I push myself more?"  Maybe increase the incline for 30 seconds every 2 minutes on the treadmill or do 3 extra reps of that weight.  What ever the exercise is give it your all and you will see results!   


  1. Thanks for posting this Jamie! I read this before I walked on the "dreadmill" and I'm glad I did. I "stepped it up" by walking at an incline of 5 every 2 minutes. Thanks for the motivation.

  2. I love your blog. I didn't see it until today, but now I'm a follower. Good luck in keeping your goals. I'm sure you will. Keep up the hard work!
