Something to ponder

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want

to be. - David Viscott

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Has it really been over a month since I last posted?!  Over the last month my exercise has slacked and my eating has not been as tight as I like. YIKES! Why does the cold weather make me bake and eat all those yummy and sugary foods? Luckily my weight has stayed about the same all month regardless of the food issue :)  But my goal is to lose 10 pounds by my birthday at the end of March. 

I have noticed that when I skip exercise, it is much easier to eat unhealthy!  Over the last month my Zumba classes were canceled for a week because of ice issues.  Yes, I could have put in a workout DVD or jumped on the treadmill.  But instead I thought about how much I missed Zumba classes and made some cupcakes!  Thankfully, Zumba classes are back on and I am there 3 to 4 days a week, shaking my booty!  I have also added a new workout DVD, Jillian Michael's Shred it with Weights.  It is a kettle bell workout.  If you have never used kettle bells before, let me tell you, you will feel muscles you never knew existed! Kettle bells are awesome at fat burning and muscle sculpting.  For the workout you can use a 5-10 pound kettle bell (Target and Walmart sell them) or a dumb bell.  I use a 20 pound kettle bell, because that is all I have. I do the workout 2 to 3 times a week.  The nice thing about kettle bell workouts is that you can get an amazing workout in 20 or 30 minutes.  On a nice day I love to take the kettle bell outside and do my workout on the sidewalk in the fresh air! 

Now off to the grocery store to buy some healthy, clean foods, so I can get home and do my kettle bell workout before heading out to Zumba class! 


  1. I have been wanting to get some kettle bells. I love Jillian too. Wish I had her arms! Good luck! Sounds like you're getting back into the swing of things!

  2. Hi Jamie! I do need to get back on the fitness bandwagon!

    I started a blog of my own.

    It will be more than just fitness, but fitness will be in there.

    Love ya,

  3. Jamie, glad you're back in the swing of things! It's hard getting back on track after you've let it slide. Good luck to you and thanks for supporting Hope and I.
